
All our tutors are highly experienced with many years and even decades behind them in their own specialist fields. Each one has their own style and format of learning. With multiple tutors teaching the same subject, you have the freedom to choose which teaching style will best suits you. This way you will be able to progress swiftly and effectively through your chosen career path. If you are pursuing ACCA studies then you will be in good hands.

Not bought from AMA before?

Please navigate to: courses -> subject / course you want to buy, choose your exam date and click ‘add to basket’.  Click ‘View basket’, check, and then proceed to checkout.

To access our Study site click on ‘study site’ at the top right of this page. Log in using your registered name and password.

On first login, scroll to the bottom of your profile and add your ACCA number, DOB and ACCA email (or 0) under ‘ACCA data’.  This is required if you wish to use our area of the ACCA Practice Platform, or claim under any Pass Assurance.

If your course is for a set period this will be stated. Else your course access will end on the exam date in the month / year you select from the course menu, and for which the course is designed to prepare you (unless you qualify for Pass Assurance or have deferred).

Please see the terms and conditions of your course for deferral and Pass Assurance conditions.